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Cost Saving

Minimum wage will go up to $15.  At 40hrs/week, wage is $2,400. Plus FICA 7.65% and FUTA 6%. How about other benefits? Service Robot is half of that cost.

Easy Management

Can you easily find someone at $2,400? The hassle of interviewing, training, and firing don’t apply to service robot.

Always Available

Another sick call just 10 mins before your restaurant open the door? Some emergencies that stop your employees from coming? It is not their faults, but they impact your business. These don’t apply to service robot


Never Complaint

Service robot will not need break.

Service robot will not sexual harass anyone.

Service robot will not sue you.


How much are you willing to pay to invite more customers to come your restaurant? Customers will share this exciting new friend to their social media. Free Exposure!

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